As does every other business within the industry on Facebook I'm sure, we are solicited for sponsorships daily. For starters, we appreciate people thinking of us, but we're a small company and aren't doing any personal monetary sponsorships for anybody as of this time, but second of all, about 98% of people do not even come close to approaching possible sponsors correctly. I think we might do a s...ponsorship tip of the week, as we have worked with sponsors on several different levels for several different projects and by no means know it all, but definitely have a few suggestions.
Sponsor tip #1....If you ask "Do ya'll do sponsorships and would ya'll sponsor me?", the answer will immediately be, not a chance. First and foremost, if you can't approach a potential sponsor professionally, why would they even consider looking at you any further. We would suggest something more along the lines of this, "Hello, my name is Bull Riding Superstar, and I am contacting with you in reference to trying to find out who the proper person from your company would be to get in touch with regarding any potential sponsorship possibilities and so that I may forward a sponsorship deck along with my contact information to them." It's hard to get your foot in the door if someone wont even unlock it. At least start the dialogue correctly and don't waste the opportunity if there is an opportunity there.
Sponsor tip #1....If you ask "Do ya'll do sponsorships and would ya'll sponsor me?", the answer will immediately be, not a chance. First and foremost, if you can't approach a potential sponsor professionally, why would they even consider looking at you any further. We would suggest something more along the lines of this, "Hello, my name is Bull Riding Superstar, and I am contacting with you in reference to trying to find out who the proper person from your company would be to get in touch with regarding any potential sponsorship possibilities and so that I may forward a sponsorship deck along with my contact information to them." It's hard to get your foot in the door if someone wont even unlock it. At least start the dialogue correctly and don't waste the opportunity if there is an opportunity there.